Global Mission is an extension of the work that Jesus gave us as a local community of believers to do.
At West Hills, we are a people who are about seeing the gospel go forth to those who are lost and showing the mercy of God to people everywhere, be they down the street, in our city or across the globe. The people we have sent out are not just hired hands, they are important parts of our church community who happen to live in other places to carry out the work God has given our church to do.
Interested in finding out more about how to get involved in Global Mission at West Hills? Curious about what God might have you do? Contact Pastor Brad for more information.
Interested in finding out more about how to get involved in Global Mission at West Hills? Curious about what God might have you do? Contact Pastor Brad for more information.
Missionaries We Support

Grace Kim
Decision Point
Grace is excited to serve as Campus Ministry Director in the Bay Area with Decision Point. As Campus Ministry Director, her mission is to equip Christian students and send them as missionaries to share the gospel throughout the Bay Area.
Decision Point exists to proclaim the gospel to the next generation. Whether that's equipping students to share the gospel to their peers or equipping pastors with the strategies necessary to bridge the gap between the local church and their local schools, Decision Point is committed to raising up lifelong gospel proclamation leaders and movers.
Decision Point exists to proclaim the gospel to the next generation. Whether that's equipping students to share the gospel to their peers or equipping pastors with the strategies necessary to bridge the gap between the local church and their local schools, Decision Point is committed to raising up lifelong gospel proclamation leaders and movers.

Brian O'Day
The Praetorian Project
Brian lives in Jacksonville, NC with his wife, Kelli, and five children. He served for nearly 10 years as an active duty Marine that included deployments to fifteen countries including Iraq and Afghanistan. While stationed in Quantico, VA in 2010 and attending Pillar Church of Dumfries, Brian was called to plant Pillar Church of Jacksonville. During this time, the idea for the Praetorian Project began in the minds of several of the pastors.
The Praetorian Project is a family of multiplying churches in military communities worldwide.
The Praetorian Project is a family of multiplying churches in military communities worldwide.
Praetorian Project facilitates long term discipleship of highly transient people, advancing the gospel by multiplying churches.

Daren & Jodi Beck
ACTION International
Daren and Jodi serve with ACTION in Phnom Penh, Cambodia where he is the Action International S.E. Asia Director. Previously Daren served for six years on staff as Missions Pastor at WHCC. They arrived in Phnom Penh in 2003 to serve long term in Cambodia. They are blessed by four children. They are very excited about the privilege of serving the Khmer people in the name of Christ!
c/o ACTION Cambodia: Box 1178, Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA

Shelley Conradson
ACTION International
Shelley Conradson ministers with Action International equipping rural Pastors and children’s ministry workers to reach the abandoned street children of Cebu, Philippines with the hope of Christ.
P.O. BOX 453, Cebu Central Post Office, Cebu City, 6000, PHILIPPINES

Kelly & Tricia Huckaby
ACTION International
Kelly & Tricia have served in Lusaka, Zambia since July 2010. They live onsite at Camp Ciyanjano with their children – Ethel, Mark, Lucas, Joy, and Emmanuel. Ciyanjano is a camping and conference ministry primarily serving poor churches in the compounds of the city. Kelly and Tricia also work to support ACTION Zambia’s other ministries through coordinating event staff and hospitality for trainings and retreats at Ciyanjano and discipling youth through the Champs program. Kelly has a Master’s degree in Teaching and extensive experience in hospitality. Tricia has a BA in English and a background in nonprofit work and public speaking.
In the years since arriving in Lusaka, Kelly and Tricia have been continually amazed at the way God has built up the camping and conference ministry to be a blessing to the Zambian church. It is such a privilege to live a life being daily reminded of God’s provision and power for his people. Kelly and Tricia are sent from Communion Church in Mt. Vernon, Washington and have wonderful family and church partners all along the West Coast of the United States and around the world!
Kelly also serves as the ACTION Zambia Country Director.
In the years since arriving in Lusaka, Kelly and Tricia have been continually amazed at the way God has built up the camping and conference ministry to be a blessing to the Zambian church. It is such a privilege to live a life being daily reminded of God’s provision and power for his people. Kelly and Tricia are sent from Communion Church in Mt. Vernon, Washington and have wonderful family and church partners all along the West Coast of the United States and around the world!
Kelly also serves as the ACTION Zambia Country Director.
PB 230x, Ridgeway, Lusaka, Zambia

Danny & Laura Slavich
Cross United Church in Lighthouse Point, FL
After serving a church in Miramar, Florida for nearly 9 years, Danny and Laura both sensed God calling them to do what they had been talking and praying about since before they were married. In the summer of 2017, God made it clear that he was opening the door for them to plant a new church in Laura’s hometown of Lighthouse Point/Deerfield Beach, and they are now stepping out in faith to follow God’s call.
Cross United Church, 3901 NE 22nd Ave, Lighthouse Point, FL 33064

BJ & Andrea Lopez
ACTION International
BJ and Andrea serve with ACTION International Ministries since 2001. BJ is currently the Director of Church Partnerships at ACTION, USA. In 2003, they started serving the Khmer people of Cambodia in Southeast Asia. They worked to provide Biblical resources, training, and discipleship to Cambodian believers for the purpose of making Christ known throughout the world. They also started a home that has taken in 9 children who have been orphaned and abandoned called Mordecai’s Courage. They have two sons: Boaz 2/03/10, and Judah 3/20/11.
c/o West Hills Community Church, PO Box 670, Morgan Hill, CA 95038

Carmen Salacsacan
Ministry in Mexico
In October 2002, she moved to México City and began a ministry to women and children in Cuautitlan where she taught children four to twelve years of age and did discipleship, literacy, tutoring, and ministry to children at risk. 2008 she moved to Texcoco and ministered to children and led women’s Bible studies and discipled women.
Carmen spent 2013-2018 in the Philippines to help take care of her mother. During this time, she also volunteered at Shalom Christian Birthing Home in Antipolo City, one of the ministries of ACTION in the Philippines.
In 2019, Carmen returned to Mexico to minister again.
Carmen spent 2013-2018 in the Philippines to help take care of her mother. During this time, she also volunteered at Shalom Christian Birthing Home in Antipolo City, one of the ministries of ACTION in the Philippines.
In 2019, Carmen returned to Mexico to minister again.
Apdo. Postal #5, Texcoco, Mexico 56100

Nathan & Christiana Wells
ACTION International
Nathan and Christiana moved to Cambodia in January 2010. Nathan is the Action Cambodia team leader. They are working in discipleship, resource development and training. Nathan is a graduate of the Master’s Seminary and hopes to use what the Lord has graciously entrusted to him to train up men to have a high view of God and His Word. Nathan and Christiana have a daughter, Ava (10/3/09), and two sons, Paton (9/10/11) and John Robert (12/10/14).
323 S. Roosevelt St., Moscow, ID 83843

Norris & Laurie Williams
Norris & Laurie, missionaries since 1983, serve with NOVO (formerly CRM). Since 2003, Norris has been leading NOVO's Disciple Making Movement division. With the focus on empowering and serving National leaders, Norris has been catalyzing movements of disciples, who make more disciples, by training, coaching and mentoring National leaders in the Middle East, Africa, Venezuela, Russia and parts of Greater Europe. Norris and Laurie have 4 grown children and 4 grand kids.
7290 Brender Canyon Road, Cashmere, WA 98815
Additional Missionaries

Bob & Deb Boogaard
Retired Missionaries
Bob & Deb Boogaard, became part of the West Hills Missions Program in 1980, the year they departed to their first assignment in Colombia, South America. The West Hills Church family faithfully and generously supported and encouraged them for 35 years and they are grateful that the Lord (as He is building His church) allowed them to represent West Hills in the work of Bible translation. For decades as a missionary pilot, they were part of the transportation link bringing the Word of God to people in isolated and difficult to reach locations. They came home from their last overseas assignment in 2013, and retired from full time missions work with Wycliffe Bible Translators at the end of 2018. Bob continues to serve as a volunteer part-time in the Wycliffe HR Department working with the family units he started with before retirement. When these families return from their first term overseas, he hands them off to another administrator, and he expects to finish completely in about three years. Thank you for your continued prayer support.
209 Maywood Path, Waxhaw, NC 28173