Women, no matter the stage of life we are in, face challenges that are often specific to who they are and how God has designed them. West Hills Women’s Ministry seeks to equip, connect, and move women to spiritual maturity. We seek to glorify God and serve Him by teaching sound doctrine that trains and disciples women to know and apply God’s Word to all stages of life. Please take the time to look over these ministries and see where you might connect with other women in the body of Christ.
“Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in Him.”
– Jeremiah 17:7
2nd and 4th Mondays

Every 2nd and 4th Monday from 9:30am -11:15am
Officially Meetings start again on January 27, 2025
(free childcare)
---PLAY DAY JANUARY 13-- Winter/Spring Meeting Dates:
January 13, 27
February 10, 24
March 10, 24
April 14, 28
Then we will be back after summer.
Being a mom of young children can be both exciting and overwhelming! Is there hope when it gets hard? At Mothering by Heart it is our goal to provide a place of encouragement, rest, and renewal for you during this very exciting, yet challenging season of life.
Our meetings include a hot breakfast, coffee, childcare, and speakers sharing on mom-related topics, and how Christ and the Bible offer hope to weary moms. You will have time to cultivate relationships with other moms and mentor-moms: seasoned mothers who have been where you are, and are eager to share their wisdom with you.
So, if you are a mom of young ones, hungry for fellowship, mentorship, advice, and some time off your feet, please grab your friends and join us at Mothering By Heart this winter/spring!
For more information contact Catherine Lopes
Monday Evening Studies
Acts Part Two // The Book of Job
Study begins Monday, January 20th (7-8:30pm)
Book cost: $20
ACTS: This study walks you through the book of Acts – the authority of the King is proclaimed, the indwelling of the Spirit is secured, and the church of God is multiplied.
JOB: Begins March 3rd
The events that occur in the book of Job present readers with a profound questions: "Why do the righteous suffer?" Although a direct answer to this question seems important, the book of Job does not set forth such a response. Job never learned the reasons for his suffering. In fact, when God finally confronted Job, he could only put his hand over his mouth and say nothing. His silence underscores the importance of trusting God's purposes in the midst of suffering, because suffering – like all other human experiences – is directed by perfect divine wisdom.
To join this study or get more information
email Robin Church or text 408-607-6666
Tuesday Evening Studies
The Book of James
MacArthur Bible Studies
Study begins Tuesday January 14th (6:30 - 8:30pm)
Book cost: TBA
Book cost: TBA
The apostle James, the oldest half-brother of Jesus, was a key leader in Jerusalem church. During the early days of the young church, the Jewish believers had been scattered by persecution. Out of compassion, James wrote this epistle to confront them and motivate them to test the quality and consistency of their faith.
To join this study or get more informationemail Jen Correia or text 408-910-2664.
The Book of 1 Kings
by Gary Hamrick
Study begins January 14th (7-9pm)
Book cost: No cost
Book cost: No cost
Under King Solomon the Israelites had been a united people, but that all changed when his foolish son Rehoboam came to power. In the days that followed, the nation divided into two separate kingdoms.
To join this study or get more information email Debbie Kenyon or text 408-921-1187
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Joshua by Seek and Find //
Psalms with Mike Burchfield
This study meets on campus and has childcare
Study Begins January 159:30 - 11:30am
Book cost: $20
Book & Childcare: $40
Joshua is a book about a faithful God training up a faithful people. It is a book that tells of both victory and defeat, a wondrous display of God's mercy and His judgment. The book of Joshua both comforts and convicts, challenging its reader to reckon with their own resolve to pursue the promises of God. Perhaps most notably, Joshua is a book that boldly beckons followers of Christ to be strong and courageous – as we follow His lead, trust in His promises, and lay claim to our own inheritance.
For questions contact Kim Wells